System messages

From Kawachan

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.

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kaccount (Talk)Account
kaccount-actprotect (Talk)Protection against actions towards this user is %s
kaccount-addonate (Talk)Donate to hide ads
kaccount-adhide (Talk)Hide ads
kaccount-adhidegone (Talk)Your ability to hide ads expired %time% ago.
kaccount-adhideperm (Talk)You have the permanent ability to hide ads
kaccount-adhidetime (Talk)You have %time% left to hide ads
kaccount-adserver (Talk)Ad server
kaccount-adshowfrom (Talk)Show ads from
kaccount-adultcontent (Talk)Adult content is %s
kaccount-andactivity (Talk)and activity
kaccount-badwords (Talk)Bad words are %s
kaccount-contentman (Talk)Content management actions are %s
kaccount-falsedata (Talk)Warning: Entering false data above is a bannable offense. If you do not wish to reveal these details either leave the fields empty or untick the boxes in the "Privacy" section below.
kaccount-jsrequired (Talk)(requires JavaScript to change)
kaccount-rightsman (Talk)Rights management actions are %s
kaccount-showage (Talk)Show my age
kaccount-showbirthday (Talk)Show my birthday
kaccount-showgender (Talk)Show my gender
kaccount-showlocation (Talk)Show my location
kaccount-showonline (Talk)Show my last online time
kaccount-updated (Talk)Your account has been updated.
kaddfile (Talk)Add file
kaf-all-success (Talk)All files uploaded successfully. You can now go to the file description pages by following the links in the list above.
kaf-box-desc (Talk)Automatically add files to this box; use blank or zero to not add to a box.
kaf-box-desc-long (Talk)Enter the number of a box below to automatically add your files to that box. Zero or blank won't add to any box.
kaf-box-fail (Talk)File could not be added to %box%.
kaf-box-heading (Talk)Add to box
kaf-box-preset (Talk)You clicked to add files directly into %box%, so we've filled in this field for you. You can change it if you insist, though.
kaf-box-success (Talk)File also successfully added to %box%.
kaf-dupe (Talk)The file already exists on our server.
kaf-dupe-short (Talk)File already exists on the server.
kaf-err-abrt (Talk)The file upload was aborted unexpectedly.
kaf-err-credit-nonice-own (Talk)"Illustrative use" is not applicable for your own works; choose a different license.
kaf-err-credit-noprop-other (Talk)You cannot use a proprietary license for someone else's work. Choose "Illustrative use" instead.
kaf-err-credit-nouservalid (Talk)The user you credited does not exist. Check the spelling, or use the "Other" option.
kaf-err-credit-reqlicense (Talk)No credit given and the license is not public domain or "Illustrative use".
kaf-err-fail-hash (Talk)An error occured while trying to calculate the file hash.
kaf-err-fail-hw (Talk)A hardware failure occured while attempting to store the file.
kaf-err-fail-move (Talk)The file could not be moved to the archive directory.
kaf-err-fail-perm (Talk)A permissions error occured while attempting to store the file.
kaf-err-fetch (Talk)The file could not be retrieved.
kaf-err-intr (Talk)The file was not completely transferred.
kaf-err-proto (Talk)Files can only be transferred via the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols.
kaf-err-size (Talk)The file was too large.
kaf-err-state-expired (Talk)File state was corrupted while attempting to update the supporting information. This usually occurs if you do not complete the file upload process within one hour of starting it. If this is not the case, please %reportbug%.
kaf-fileprops-desc (Talk)If you're uploading multiple files, these will be used for every file you add - you can change them for individual files later.
kaf-fileprops-heading (Talk)File properties
kaf-filesfrom (Talk)%num% files from %src%
kaf-multi-heading (Talk)Or add multiple files at once
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